Sales & Business Development Analytics
Market-Matrix is a bespoke data driven solution provider for Sales & Marketing function across industries.
Market Matrix is a customized solution to identify & analyse new prospective customers & opens a door for new business opportunities among existing client base.
Market Matrix- An analytical tool designed to provide actionable information on companies to help existing sales & marketing team to explore existing & new business opportunities.
With Market Matrix , we aim to help our users identify, visualize  and segment data for  prospecting right targets thus driving growth in business.
If you are looking for a focused solution to optimize your sales marketing ROI, then Market Matrix is the product meant for you!
Our sales solutions can help you identify new prospects as well as find opportunities among your existing customers.
Choose extraordinary.

Key Features

17-Operational Dashboard
Data Analysis & Visualization
06 - Finance
Sales Intelligence/ Analytics
08 - Data Management
Database on companies in India with surplus funds & near real time updates on the cash position
07 - Business Excellence
Listed, Unlisted & Private Limited Companies Coverage
Customized Solution to show Interlinkage of Group Companies.
Decision Support System
Explore Opportunities & Identify Prospects
27-Market Strategy
Data backed go-to-market planning
Company Information – Client & Sector Intelligence
29-Capital Infusion
Industry Analysis
16-HR management
Ownership Group Categorization
Advance filters(Ownership, Industry, Location, Designation, etc.)
17-Operational Dashboard
Easy to use Web Interface
API, Data Sets & Feeds, (CRM, BI Interface etc.)Integration
Integrated Operational Interface
Customized Solution
03 - Feasibility Reports
License based annual subscription


Detail of Offices
Head & Corporate Offices
Key Person Details
Identity Insights
Reserves & Surplus
Liquidity Analysis
Investment Project Details
Investments & Securities

Single Company Details

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